Different Types of Skin And How To Maintain Them

Skin types can vary widely from person to person and are influenced by genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. While there are several classification systems, the most commonly recognized skin type according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) are: Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination and Sensitive skins.

These skin types have their different unique characteristics and for you to start making wise decisions and choices concerning your skin, you need to first understand what type of skin you have as the different characteristics will give you an insight into how to provide your skin with the specialized care and protection it needs. If you’re unsure what your skin type is, then this article is for you. This article will cover how to discover your skin type and a few tips on the best skin care regiment for each type. So, let’s get into it!


dry skin

Dry skin or xerosis, is a common skin ailment that develops when the skin lacks enough natural oils and moisture to maintain its regular level of hydration. It might be a short-term problem brought on by environmental causes or a persistent illness brought on by a number of underlying issues. Dry skin often feels rough and uneven to the touch. It may have a flaky or scaly appearance, especially in areas prone to dryness. People with dry skin often experience a sensation of tightness in their skin, particularly after cleansing or exposure to dry air. Some characteristics of dry skin may include:

  • – Dry skin is more susceptible to itching, which can be mild to severe, leading to scratching that may further damage the skin’s protective barrier.
  • – It can sometimes appear red or inflamed, especially if it’s irritated due to scratching or exposure to harsh substances.
  • – The lack of moisture can lead to the appearance of fine lines and small cracks in the skin, especially around areas like the elbows, knees, and heels.
  • – It  may lack radiance and look dull or lackluster.
  • – It can be triggered by exposure to cold weather, low humidity, hot showers, or exposure to irritants.
  • – Dry skin can make it challenging to apply makeup smoothly, as the foundation may not blend well and might settle into fine lines.
  • – It tends to be more sensitive and reactive to external factors, which can lead to discomfort and skin reactions.
  • – On the feet, dry skin can lead to hardened calluses and cracked heels, both of which can be uncomfortable and prone to infection if left untreated.
  • In order to avoid future issues and to keep your skin healthy, it is crucial to take care of dry skin. This involves utilizing hydrating skincare products that are kind to the skin, staying away from abrasive soaps and cleansers, moisturizing frequently, and shielding the skin from the elements. For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to see a dermatologist if dry skin persists or worsens.
  • Click here for more treatment tips.


Oily skin produces excess Sebum – a natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin that makes the skin feel greasy and seem glossy, especially around the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). It can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormones, and environmental conditions. Oily skin often has visibly larger pores, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin area), which can be more prone to clogging. The excess oil can trap dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria and increase the likelihood of developing acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Here are Other characteristics of oily skin:

  • – The skin may always shine, especially in regions with good lighting or as the day wears on.
    – Makeup can disappear more quickly on oily skin, especially on the forehead, nose, and chin.
    – Since the excess oil helps retain moisture, oily skin types typically do not experience dryness as much as other skin types.
    – The oiliness can be aggravated by heat and humidity, making management more difficult.
    – Because the natural oil helps keep the skin nourished, oily skin has a tendency to exhibit less aging symptoms like wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Establishing a regular skincare routine that includes utilizing non-comedogenic moisturizers, products designed specifically for oily skin, and cleaning with mild, oil-free cleansers is necessary to manage oily skin. Avoid using harsh products that could dry down the skin’s oil production in order to prevent overcompensation and increased oil production. For more treatment options if you have questions about your skin type or are dealing with severe acne, it is recommended to speak with a dermatologist.



Normal skin is a balance between the oily and dry skin – not too dry and not too oily. They are characterized by pores that are usually small and not very visible and have a smooth and healthy texture. They are less prone to breakouts, blemishes and although they do not have any major skin concerns, they still require proper treatment and skin care routine like all the other skin types. Other characteristics include:

  • – It is not overly sensitive or reactive to skincare products, environmental factors, or changes in weather.
  • – The sebaceous glands produce an adequate amount of sebum (natural skin oil) to maintain a healthy lipid barrier, which helps protect the skin and keep it moisturized.
  • – It typically has a balanced complexion, without excessive oiliness or dryness.
  • – It tends to have good elasticity, meaning it bounces back easily after being stretched or pressed.
  • – It has few visible imperfections like pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads.
  • – The overall appearance  is radiant, clear, and glowing.
  • Normal skin can also be affected by environmental factors, lifestyle decisions, and age. Regular skincare routines, sun protection, and a healthy lifestyle can help keep the skin’s normal features for longer.


Sensitive skin is a typical skin type that reacts more easily to environmental and aesthetic factors than other skin types. Sensitive skin can be dry, oily or normal but what differentiates it from other skin type is its sensitivity to environmental stimuli. Sensitive skin can easily become red and irritated when exposed to specific products, or environmental conditions. Skin sensitivity can cause persistent itching and dryness in some people. Here are other features of sensitive skin:

  • – Sensitive skin may experience tingling or burning when exposed to specific skincare products, environmental triggers, or weather conditions.
    – Especially when subjected to harsh products or harsh weather, sensitive people’s skin can be more prone to flaking and peeling.
    – People with sensitive skin are more likely to experience allergic responses to cosmetics, scents, or specific skincare chemicals.
    – When using new products, when the skin is stressed, or when the environment changes, sensitive skin may be more prone to breakouts of acne and rashes.
    – When applied to sensitive skin, some cosmetics, especially those with specific chemical constituents, may sting or burn.
  • – Sensitive skin may react more strongly to certain chemicals, detergents, or cleaning agents, leading to irritation or contact dermatitis.
  • People with sensitive skin must be careful with the products they use and perform a patch test before using new products on bigger regions of their bodies. Sensitivity can frequently be controlled and reduced by using mild, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free products. A dermatologist can help you choose the right skincare regimen for your unique requirements if you’re worried about how sensitive your skin is.

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Combination skin is a typical skin type that includes two distinct skin types on various parts of the face. The forehead, nose, and chin are typically oily, whereas the cheeks and other areas of the face are usually normal or dry. The central part of the face, including the forehead, nose, and chin, is often oily. This is due to an overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands in these areas. The oily areas tend to have larger and more noticeable pores compared to the drier regions. Here are some of the features of combination skin:

  • – Combination skin can be difficult to manage because various areas need different kinds of care. It’s critical to balance the needs of the skin by using the right skincare products and procedures.
  • – Excess oil in the T-zone can block pores and cause blackheads and whiteheads to appear. Certain areas, especially the dry ones, can be sensitive for certain people with combination skin.
  • – The seasonal changes may affect combination skin. For instance, it could get drier in the winter and more oily in the summer
  • – Due to the excess oil in the T-zone in particular, combination skin is frequently prone to acne and breakouts, while the drier parts may be more prone to irritability and dry patches.
    – Dry areas may occasionally develop flakiness, roughness, or dry patches, particularly during colder months.
  • To care for combination skin effectively, it’s crucial to use a balanced skincare routine that addresses the specific needs of each area. This might involve using products for oily skin in the T-zone and products for dry or normal skin on the cheeks.
  • Regular cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing are essential to maintain a healthy and balanced complexion. If you’re unsure about the best skincare routine for your combination skin, consider consulting a dermatologist or skincare professional for advice.

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